
The International Professional Development Assistance Program (IPDAP) arranges subsidy for certain special categories of individuals, organizations and institutions to lower the cost of education, professional development and employability enhancement.

For the beneficiary individuals and institutions, the IPDAP subsidy works exactly like a fee discount.

In turn, IPDAP teams have to work hard and diligently on each subsidy-application to mobilize the funds required. Subsidy under IPDAP is awarded to individuals, organizations and educational institutions who fulfil the need-case terms and conditions as defined by the IPDAP Action Committee (IAC). Students, professionals, educational institutions and training companies can apply for IPDAP subsidy.

The IPDAP subsidies are awarded for a wide range of graduate and undergraduate degree programs of leading universities globally, as well as for several other renowned training and certification programs of global certification bodies.

Conceived as a global community development initiative to help fledgling and emerging market economies develop workforce and professional talent for the outsourcing and ICT-based industries, IPDAP’s initially also managed several initiatives and programs related to impact sourcing. Today, it has enlarged its mandate, and engages with various national and international donor bodies, government agencies, global charity organizations, and taps into their education, training, capacity-development funding schemes to raise funds for subsidy. IPDAP moved beyond ICT and outsourcing and pulsed into a higher orbit in 2017 to cover more industries and sectors for jobs, targeting thousands of students, professionals, underprivileged communities and educational institutions across most parts of Asia and Africa. The program is now in its eighth year and subsidies worth 4 million US dollars have been organized by the IAC till date for individuals and institutions from 32 countries.